Tag Archives: halloween

Epictober weekend – 2nd half

We paid $20 per adult and it was free admission for the children to River Safari. The event was called Safari Boo.

Waiting to enter

Family shot at entrance

My friend bought props for the kids. They loved the light stick wand. It was an awesome idea. Mr H and I had been too clueless to prepare for dress up so I felt really bad when I saw all the kids with some props.

Guilty no more!
These 4 boys were the cutest posers ever IMO. According to Z, his best friend and him had been calling each other “bro”.

In this “Avenger” like fashion, they ran all over River Safari and screamed their lungs out. No wonder the Panda exhibit was closed. Imagine the pandas getting freaked out by the throngs of screaming kids on Halloween.

There were 4 main activity areas.

The first one was for them to collect treats. The second was to play games, third was to watch a performance and last was to do face drawing/glitter tattoo/mane highlights.

This was at the second activity section.

This was one of the “games”.

The kids won at some stations and had earned some snacks.

More fancy characters for phototaking – or if you did not want to take photos, you could wait at the side for them to give treats. It was an all-treats event!

By the time we got to the end of the trail, we had walked for 3 hours. The adults were beat but the children were going strong.

Some game which they played while we rested our legs at the manatees’ aquarium

It was 10pm when we called it a night. It was an educational Halloween night with controlled treats. Not too bad for $20 per adult!

Aftermath of a Halloween Party

In younger days, Halloween parties were about dressing up and gaining free entries to clubs.

Now it was about dressing up the children. Since Z was still young, I also had to tag along.

Truck or treat? A t-shirt which we had picked up from Paris Disneyland previously, completed with the goodie bag carrier he received from his cousin’s birthday party. How apt!


The $4 do (cape and hat)


The event which I thought the kids acted more like hungry ghouls than going for trick or treat. This shot had failed to capture the full entourage of toddlers.


It was Z’s first Trick or treat experience. He had been too young and this was probably the age that he could grapple more of it. We had very nice neighbors who took the initiative to organize it too.

Some of the parents dressed up and the 2-5 years old were shrieking and some even cried. It was funny. Amazing what a mask from Cold Storage could do!

Our makeshift treat box


We obviously did not dress up, maybe next year when X was older. It would be odd to dress up and carry a baby at the hips.

Instead of sweets, we gave out ramen, fresh milk, grapes … In the form of Iwako fancy erasers.


The night ended with all the kids screaming and playing away together, leaving us with a horrendous headache and earache. They definitely let their imagination run wild by turning off the lights in the function room and running around in the dark.

Signing off – till the next Halloween


I’m only a pumpkin, I’ve no blood

This totally cracked me up at work. It was also why I thought X had the most awesome infantcare teachers.


Happy Halloween, everyone!


This was where X had inherited the costume from.

Z at 10 months’ old


Z, with the near broken eye at 22 months’ old

That year was a real Halloween for us.

Both kids with their mediocre costumes, no thanks to their parents with a poor sense of handicraft.


This was a very orangey post and made me think of all other things orange.